Alternative antenna mounting.

For anyone who has someone that doesn't want the antenna permanently mounted, for what ever reason, I suggest the following application. Which will provide range, reception and the use of low power ( about 100 watt's or so ).

In this application, I used RG8X coax, as I usually do. It provides a better counter Poise and is capable of running a few thousand watt's into it. The clear jacket also allows for visual inspection for breaks and copper rot.

Parts I used are...

Wilson Silver Tip 2 Footer

Antenna Folderover ( I suggest the stainless steel center
pin type, it will last longer)

A regular 3 way mirror mount with what ever type of
mount that is included. Remember, if your want it to
last and you plane on running power, get the heavier one.

A grounding wire from the mount to the body was not required.
The RG8X coax provided more then enough counterpoise.