Galaxy DX Radios DX55V
Documentation Project

Required test equipment
PLL Alignment
Receiver Alignment

Transmitter Alignment

1. 13.8 VDC 10A regulated power supply.
2. RF Signal Generator with 27 MHz AM and FM capability. Must have adjustable Modulation %, adjustable FM Deviation, and calibrated output steps down to 0.lpV (-127dBm).
3. Audio Generator or Two-Tone Audio Generator with attenuator pad.
4. Frequency Counter, 0-100 MHz, 25mV sensitivity.
5. Oscilloscope, 60 MHz minimum bandwidth.
6. Digital DC Voltmeter.
7. RF Wattmeter.
8. 50 Ohm Dummy Load, 50 watts minimum power rating.
10. 8 Ohm audio load.


Copyright © 1998,1999,2000, 2001

Disclaimer: Although the greatest care has been taken while compiling these documents,

we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every radio presented.