Place the TUNE and LOAD knobs at 12 o'clock. Place the Band Switch in the position matching the band the driver or transceiver will be operating on.

The Rocker Switches should be as follows: PRE-AMP Off FUNCTION Stby POWER Off MODE AM OUTPUT Low Check to make sure everything is connected as shown and instructed in Hookup Section.

Turn Power Switch on and allow at least one minute warm-up time. Place Function Switch in Oper. Position. Key driver transmitter and rotate Tune control, observing meter or external wattmeter. Adjust Tune control for maximum meter deflection. Now do the same with the Load control. Because the Load and Tune control adjustments affect each other, it will be necessary to go back and forth between the two several times until no further increase in output as indicated by the meter on the amplifier or the wattmeter. If you wish to operate at this power level, no further tuning is necessary.

Select the Mode-AM or SSB-being used by the drive unit, and turn on the Receive Pre-Amp if desired. For high power, place the Output Switch in the HI position. Although it is possible to operate without further adjustments, we recommend slight readjustment of the Tune and Load controls. You will find the adjustment for maximum output in HI and LOW Power positions are slightly different. This will also result in the desirable effect of reducing the current in the power amplifier tubes, which reduces heating and prolongs the life of the tubes. You are ready to go. Make slight readjustments of the Tune control when moving to different frequencies within the same band, and do a complete load and tune adjustment when changing bands.